Cookie Policy

We use cookies for many important reasons, such as:

Providing a great experience for our visitors and customers.
Identifying our registered members.
Monitoring & Analysing our site performance, operation and effectiveness.
Ensuring our site is secure and safe to use.

Types of Cookies
Cookies can be classified according to their type, duration and category.

First-party cookies: Cookies that we place on our site.
Third-party cookies: Cookies that are placed and used by third parties.

Session (transient) cookies: These cookies are erased when site visitors close their browsers and are not used to collect information from their computers. They typically store information in the form of a session identification that does not personally identify the user.

Persistent (permanent or stored) cookies: These cookies are stored on a site visitor's hard drive until they expire (at a set expiration date) or until they are deleted. These cookies are used to collect identifying information about the user, such as web surfing behavior or user preferences.


Strictly necessary cookies:
These are the cookies that let our visitors browse through our site. They are also necessary for security reasons.

Functional cookies:
These cookies "remember" registered visitors/customers in order to improve their user experience. 

